“Make it Easier!
Design and Gardening Techniques
for Reducing Maintenance in Your Landscape”

I am excited to offer a one-hour class
for people who wonder how to use native plants
specifically to create a low maintenance landscape.

There are so many reasons we might want a lower maintenance landscape:

  • Physical limitations

  • Tired of chasing after weeds that keep growing back

  • Getting too old to be getting up and down to pull weeds

  • Heat, humidity, flies and mosquitos

  • Time challenges

  • A really messed up back, or knees

  • Hairy crabweed!

  • Invasive bermudagrass!

  • Too much to do during the heat of summer

  • Shredded hardwood mulch can be expensive

I have been designing native landscapes exclusively for over 18 years, and I want to share with you some of the key concepts that help reduce the maintenance and get you moving more pleasantly with the little bit of landscaping that is left to do.

What’s included:

What’s included?

  • Design techniques that help you create beds that thrive with less attention, weeding, and watering

  • My favorite strategies to help make gardening easier (no kickbacks, no brands mentioned, just some generic tools and approaches that can make a difference)

  • Info about a targeted group of favorite native groundcovers for low maintenance landscaping

Design tips and techniques for reducing maintenance and having more fun in the garden
Design techniques for low maintenance landscape

Reduce maintenance by replacing mulch with mat-forming, native groundcovers
List of favorite weed-reducing groundcovers for Chesapeake Region



  • Beginners with no garden experience,

  • Current gardeners who want to get some ideas for easing their garden maintenance.

COST: $30.

Chris helped me better understand how to maintain my native garden through thoughtful and well researched choices. Discovering that many people have the same physical and heat related limitations that I do helps me feel less alone in my garden problems. Because Chris shared photos of gardens that she has been personally involved with, her problem solving really resonated and I will remember them. Thank you!
— Course Participant

Do you have any questions? Please email me.